Igangværende Lektion
Kursus indhold
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Module 1: Background and preparation
Trust and doubt8:49
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Module 2: The Method
Affirmation: Set an intention3:30
Priming the pump: Imagination as a means of perception8:28
Ask for a helper7:21
Making contact7:46
Bruce's story12:54
The end of the process1:23
After the process4:19
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Module 3: Possible consequenses
This is not a small thing
Identity crises5:20
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Module 4: Questions and doubts
This is why you should probably just skip this module!1:12
There's nothing to be afraid of5:00
Frequently asked questions14:12
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Modul 5: Time for the contact
A couple of quick questions/answers
The guided process: Contact a deceased loved one1:37:02
After the process: There was a problem. Help!
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Bonus material
Further reading and exploring
Bruce Moen
I highly recommend Bruce Moens Books and website. I can see that some of his books are available on Amazon, and you can ask your local book store if they can get them for you. His website is here: Aftelife Knowledge
The Monroe Institute
Robert Monroe and his team developed Hemi-Sync which is a wonderful tool for exploring consciousness, including the place we call the Afterlife. Today Hemi-Sync is a separate company (but all their titles are still highly recommendable), and the institute now works with what they call Monroe Sound Science.
Get Monroe Sound Science in their app, Expand here
I have a few guided meditations of my own on there.